Tag Archives: eagles

Eagles at Carrillon Park, Dayton,Ohio

Eagle at Carrillon Park

I knew the eagles were there, but I was still pleasantly surprised and a little thrilled when one soared over a building to my right, and flew overhead and up to the nest high in a sycamore tree. It’s white tail feathers flashed in the sun. I regretted that my camera was inaccessible in its case hanging from my shoulder as I meandered down the walkway. I wasn’t expecting to see it so soon.

The presumably male eagle landed on the nest, then flew to a nearby tree shortly after. The only time I’d ever seen eagles in the wild before was during a trip to Alaska in the late 1990s. This nest is a half-hour drive from my house.

I expected a large nest, but was surprised by how large. It’s much larger than the hawks’ nest I’ve been watching in the woods behind our house. I expected a majestic bird, but was enthralled by its majesty.

I hope to return again soon.